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Earth Science 2017-18
Environmental Science 2017-18
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General Science - Home & Classwork (4th MP)

Mon  06/23     Early Dismissal     LAST DAY OF SCHOOL

     - Final Exams for periods 8, 9

Fri  06/20     Early Dismissal

     - Final Exams for periods 6, 7

Thurs  06/19     Early Dismissal

     - Final Exams for periods 4, 5

Wed  06/18     Early Dismissal

     - Final Exams for periods 2, 3

Tues  06/17     Last FULL day of school,     Available for After-School tutoring

     - Final Exam for period 1 (at start of day), then go to periods 4-9 regular schedule

     - homework - prepare for Final Exam

Mon  06/16      Available for After-School tutoring

     - go over Test 21,  finish review for Final Exam by going over (again) tests for chaps 19,21

     - homework - prepare for Final Exam

Fri  06/13

     - continue review for Final Exam by going over (again) tests for chaps 11,12,13

     - homework - prepare for Final Exam

Thurs  06/12      Available for After-School tutoring

     - start review for Final Exam by going over (again) tests for chaps 1,2,3,4

     - homework - prepare for Final Exam

Wed  06/11      Available for After-School tutoring

BOOK CHECK - must bring in the text book from home to be inspected/verified.  Student can decide if wish to hand in or keep to study for Final Exam.  It is recommended to turn in the book at this time so that don't have to worry about/forget to turn in on day of Final Exam. The only thing needed to study for the Final Exam are the chapter tests, of which the Final Exam is just 'cut & paste' of those tests.     NO BOOK, NO FINAL EXAM !!

     - Test 21

     - homework - get all chapter tests together

Tues  06/10      

     - go over chap review as extra credit for test

     - homework - study for test,  bring in text book from home

Mon  06/09

     - work as class on chap rev

     - homework - prepare for test

Fri  06/06     Field Day

     - SGO Post-Test

     - homework - Chap review due Mon end of class

Thurs  06/05

     - watch video

     - homework - none

Wed  06/04

     - notes 21.4

     - homework - none

Tues  06/03

     - lab p753

     - homework - none

Mon  06/02

     - notes 21.3;  introduce lab p753

     - homework - none

Fri  05/30     Science-in-the-News Journal for May is due today.

                   This is the last one for this year - there is not one due for June.

     - notes 21.2; discuss section review p746

     - homework - none

Thurs 05/29

     - notes 21.1;  clay lab p736

     - homework - none

Wed  05/28     EARLY DISMISSAL due to Teacher Inservice

     - go over PreTest

     - homework - none

Tues  05/27

     - Chap 21 PreTest to check if did reading,  discuss 21.1

     - homework - none

Mon  05/26     NO SCHOOL in observance of Memorial Day

Fri  05/23

     - go over Test 19,  finish read chap 21

     - homework - finish read chap 21

Thurs  05/22

     - Test 19,  assign read Chap 21 by Fri end of class

     - homework - read chap 21

Wed  05/21

     - go over Chap Rev and STP

     - homework - study for test

Tues  05/20

     - time to finish Chap Rev and STP

     - homework - prepare for test

Mon  05/19     Abbreviated Schedule for an assembly in the afternoon

     - go over quizzes,  assign Chap Review and STP due Tues end of class

     - homework - work on Chap Rev and STP

Fri  05/16

     - collect Quiz 19.3,  watch videos,  discuss three 'Why it Matter'

     - homework - none

Thurs  05/15

     - collect Quiz 19.2,  notes 19.3,  assign Quiz 19.3

     - homework - finish Quiz 19.3

Wed  05/14

     - collect Quiz 19.1,  notes 19.2,  assign Quiz 19.2

     - homework - finish Quiz 19.2,  assign read 19.3

Tues  05/13

     - notes 19.1,  assign Quiz 19.1

     - homework - finish Quiz 19.1,  read 19.2

Mon  05/12

     - go over Test 13,  Discuss how to handle Chap 19,  introduce chap 19

     - homework - assign read 19.1

Fri  05/09/14

     - go over Chap Rev,  Test 13

     - homework - none

Thurs  05/08/14

     - go over IRs, allow time to work,  collect Chap Rev

     - homework - study for test

Wed  05/07/14

     - go over Math Skills,  allow time to work,  collect IRs

     - homework - work on Chap Rev

Tues  05/06/14

     - finish presentations,  allow time to work,  collect Math Skills

     - homework - work on pkts

Mon  05/05/14

     - Presentations of the Compound Machines

     - homework - work on pkts

Fri  05/02/14        Science-in-the-News Journals for April are due today.

                         Next one due Fri 05/30/14 for dates 05/03 through 05/30.  

                         Students will be notified on Tues 05/06 as to if they are exempt.  

     - time to work on compound machine project

     - homework - finish project

Thurs  05/01/14

     - time to work on compound machine project

     - homework - work on pkts

Wed  04/30/14       EARLY DISMISSAL due to Teacher Inservice

     - discuss 13.2,  asign write own notes 13.2,  watch video, pass out work pkts due next week

     - homework - start work on pkts

Tues  04/29/14

     - discuss 13.1,  assign write own notes 13.1,  read 13.2

     - homework - finish read 13.2

Mon  04/28/14

     - introduce Independent Study for Chap 13,  assign read 13.1

     - homework - finish read 13.1

Fri  04/18 thru Sun  04/27/14     NO SCHOOL due to Spring Break

Thurs  04/17/14     EARLY DISMISSAL due to Spring Break

     - go over Test

     - homework - none

Wed  04/16/14

     - Test 12

     - homework - none

Tues  04/15/14

     - go over Chap Rev as extra credit

     - homework - study for test

Mon  04/14/14

     - finish Chap Rev as a class

     - homework - prepare for test

Fri  04/11/14

     - Quiz 12.3;  assign Chap Rev (p422 #2-24a not 15, 16, 19) due Mon end of class

     - homework - work on Chap Rev