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Earth Science 2017-18
Environmental Science 2017-18
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General Science - Home & Classwork (3rd MP)


Thurs  04/10/14

     - Catapult Lab p418

     - homework - study for quiz

Wed  04/09/14

     - go over IR pkt;  discuss Lab

     - homework - prepare for quiz

Tues  04/08/14

     - work on IR pkt due end of class

     - homework - none

Mon 04/07/14

     - notes 12.3;  demo of Quick Lab p414

     - homework - none

Fri  04/04/14

     - go over quiz;  discuss 12.3 and problems

     - homework - none

Thurs  04/03/14

     - go over wkshts;  Quiz 12.2;  assign read 12.3

     - homework - read 12.3

Wed  04/02/14

     - assign wkshts due end of class

     - homework - study for quiz

Tues 04/01/14

     - go over quiz;  notes 12.2

     - homework - none

Mon  03/31/14

     - go over section review;  quiz 12.1;  assign read 12.2

     - homework - finish read 12.2

Fri  03/28/14     Science-in-the-News for March is due today.

                        Next one is due Fri, May 02 for the dates 03/29 thru 05/02/14

     - will be attending a guest speaker lecture

     - homework - study for quiz

Thurs  03/27/14

    - go over wksht;  assign Section Review p402 due end of class

     - homework - study for quiz

Wed  03/26/14     Early dismissal due to Teacher Inservice

     - Newton's 2nd Law wksht due end of class

     - homework - prepare for quiz

Tues  03/25/14

     - finish notes 12.1;  discuss problems on p401

     - homework - none

Mon  03/24/14

     - start notes 12.1;  labs p398, table cloth

     - homework - none

Fri  03/21/14

     - go over test;  discuss text 12.1

     - homework - none

Thurs  03/20/14

     - Test 11;  assign read 12.1

     - homework - finish read 12.1

Wed  03/19/14

     - go over Chap Rev for extra credit

     - homework - study for test

Tues  03/18/14

     - go over Quiz 11.3;  allow time for class to correct their Chap Rev

     - homework - prepare for test

Mon  03/17/14

     - finish Chap Rev and collect

     - homework - none

Fri  03/14/14

     - Quiz 11.3;  assign Chap Review due Mon end of class (p390 #2-25 not 19)

    - homework - work on chap rev

Thurs  03/13/14

     - Lab p384;  discuss section review

     - homework - study for quiz

Wed  03/12/14

     - go over quiz;  discuss text;  notes 11.3

     - homework - none

Tues  03/11/14

     - Quiz 11.2;  assign read 11.3

     - homework - finish reading 11.3

Mon  03/10/14

     - go over Accel pkt;  discuss section review

     - homework - study for quiz

Fri  03/07/14

     - finish Acceleration pkt and collect

     - homework - none

Thurs  03/06/14     HSPA & S Testing - no classes;  early dismissal

Wed  03/05/14     HSPA & S Testing - no classes;  early dismissal

Tues  03/04/14     HSPA & S Testing - no classes;  early dismissal

Mon  03/03/14

     - go over wksht;  assign Acceleration pkt due Fri end of class

     - homework - work on pkt

Fri  02/28/14     Science-in-the-News Journal for February is due today.

                        Next one is due Fri, March 28 for dates 03/01 thru 03/28.

    - watch video;  assign Acceleration wksht due Mon beginning of class

    - homework - work on wksht

Thurs  02/27/14

    - go over quiz;  discuss text 11.2 and examples;  notes 11.2

    - homework - none

Wed  02/26/14      EARLY DISMISSAL due Teacher Inservice

     - go over lab and section review;  Quiz 11.1;  assign read 11.2

     - homework - none

Tues  02/25/14

     - go over Velocity wkshts;  corrections due Wed beginning of class

     - homework - work on corrections, study for quiz

Mon  02/24/14

     - Domini Lab 368 and wksht due end of class

     - homework - prepare for quiz

Fri  02/21/14

     - go over wkshts;  discuss Lab 368

     - homework - none

Thurs  02/20/14

     - time to work on wkshts and collect

     - homework - none

Wed  02/19/14

     - assign Velocity wkshts due Thurs end of class

     - homework - work on wkshts

Tues  02/18/14

     - discuss text 11.1 and examples;  notes 11.1

     - homework - none

Mon  02/17/14       There is school today - make-up for snow day Thurs 02/13

     - Assign Interactive Reader 11.1 due end of class

     - homework - none

Fri  02/14/14     NO SCHOOL due to President's Weekend

Thurs  02/13/14       NO SCHOOL due to inclement weather

Wed  02/12/14

     - go over Test and wrap-up;  assign read 11.1

     - homework - finish read 11.1

Tues  02/11/14

     - assign Chap 4 wrap-up due end of class

     - homework - none

Mon  02/10/14

     - Test 4

     - homework - none

Fri  02/07/14

     - go over chap review for extra credit

     - homework - study for test

Thurs  02/06/14       DELAYED OPENING due to inclement weather

     - time to correct the chap rev as a class;  go over wksht 4.3

     - homework - prepare for test

Wed 02/05/14     NO SCHOOL due to inclement weather

Tues  02/04/14       DELAYED OPENING due to inclement weather

     - finish work on chap 4 review and collect

     - homework - prepare for test

Mon  02/03/14     NO SCHOOL due to inclement weather