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Earth Science 2017-18
Environmental Science 2017-18
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General Science - Home & Classwork (2nd MP)


Fri  01/31/14       Science-in-the-News Journal for January is due today.  

                        The next one is due Fri, 02/28/14 for the dates of 02/01/14 thru 02/28/14.

     - notes 4.3;  assign wksht due end of class;  assign chap review due Mon end of class

     - homework - work on chap review

Thurs  01/30/14

     - go over lab and quiz;  assign read 4.3

     - homework - read 4.3

Wed  01/29/14     Early Dismissal due to Teacher Inservice

     - discuss section review 4.2;  Quiz 4.2

     - homework - none

Tues  01/28/14

     - Building Isotopes Lab p134

     - homework - prepare for quiz

Mon  01/27/14

     - go over IR pkt

     - homework - none

Fri  01/24/14

     - assign wksht and IR pkt due end of period

     - homework - none

Thurs  01/23/14

     - periods 2,3,4 - discuss 4.2,  notes 4.2,  discuss wksht due Fri end of class

       periods 7,8 - go over labs and report,  discuss 4.2,  notes 4.2,  discuss wksht due Fri end of class

     - homework - work on wksht

Wed  01/22/14       NO SCHOOL due to inclement weather

Tues  01/21/14      Early dismissal due to inclement weather

     - periods  3,4,5 - go over lab and reports,  assign read 4.2

       periods 7,8 - assign two activities and do lab report on choice of one due Wed beginning of class (XC if by Tues night)

     - homework - read 4.2

Mon  01/20/14     NO SCHOOL due to MLK day

Fri  01/17/14

     - periods 2,3,4 - assign two activities and do lab report on choice of one due Tues beginning of class (XC if by Sun night)

       periods 7,8 - no class due to power outages

     - homework - pers 2,3,4 - lab report;  pers 7,8 - none 

Thurs  01/16/14

     - discuss 4.1,  notes 4.1

     - homework - none

Wed  01/15/14

     - go over test and puzzle;  assign read 4.1

     - homework - finish read 4.1

Tues  01/14/14

     - assign crossword puzzle due end of class

     - homework - none

Mon  01/13/14

     - Test 3

     - homework - none

Fri  01/10/14

     - go over Chap Review as extra credit

     - homework - study for test

Thurs  01/09/14

     - take a tour of Auto to look at hydraulics;  go over wkshts;  assign 'look over' chap review

     - homework - 'look over' chap review;  prepare for test

Wed  01/08/14

     - discuss 3.3;  notes 3.3

     - homework - none

Tues  01/07/14

     - discuss 3.2;  notes 3.2;  watch video

     - homework - wksht due Tues beginning of class

Mon  01/06/14

     - discuss 3.1;  notes 3.1;  watch video

     - homework - wksht due Mon beginning of class

Fri  01/03/14      NO SCHOOL due to inclement weather

Thurs  01/02/14     Welcome Back !

     - assign reading of 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 p77-94 in class

     - homework - finish reading

Mon 12/23 thru Wed 01/01/14     NO SCHOOL due to Winter Break

Fri 12/20/13     Early Dismissal for Winter Break

                      Science-in-the-News Journal is due today - will not accept late this time!

                       Next Journal is due Fri 01/31/14 for dates 01/04/14 thru 01/31/14.

     - go over Test 2 and bookwork

     - homework - none

Thurs 12/19/13

     - assign Chap 2 wrap-up bookwork due end of class

     - homework - none

Wed 12/18/13       Delayed opening due to inclement weather

     - Test 2

     - homework - none

Tues 12/17/13       NO SCHOOL due to inclement weather

Mon 12/16/13

     - go over chap review

     - homework - study for test

Fri 12/13/13       Mid-Marking period

     - go over Quiz 2.3; use rest of period to work in groups/class to correct their own chap rev and collect

     - homework - study for test

Thurs 12/12/13

     - time to finish chap review and collect

     - homework - prepare for test

Wed 12/11/13

     - go over section review wksht;  Quiz 2.3;  assign Chap Review p70 #1-27 dur Thurs end of class

     - homework - work on chap rev

Tues 12/10/13      NO SCHOOL due to inclement weather

                          Bring A Veteran to School Day (Postponed TBD)  

Mon 12/09/13     Delayed opening due to inclement weather

     - go over wkshts 2.2; watch ppt video;  assign section review wksht due Tues beginning of class

     - homework - finish wksht

Fri 12/06/13

     - discuss 2.3;  notes 2.3

     - homework - none

Thurs 12/05/13

     - worksheet on section review and practice problems due end of class

     - homework - read 2.3

Wed 12/04/13       Early dismissal - Teacher Inservice

     - watch video;  go over Quiz and Gas lab

     - homework - none

Tues 12/03/13

     - discuss 2.2;  notes 2.2;  lab on Mass of Gas

     - homework - none

Mon 12/02/13

     - discuss section review 2.1;  Quiz 2.1

     - homework - read 2.2

Fri 11/29/13     NO SCHOOL - Thanksgivivng

Thurs 11/28/13      NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving

Wed 11/27/13      EARLY DISMISSAL - Thanksgiving

     - do lab p48;  finish and collect lab report (can either hand-in or email)

     - homework - study for quiz on Mon 12/02

Tues 11/26/13

     - finish lab p43 paperwork; go over notes 2.1;  discuss Quick Lab p48;  assign lab report on their choice due Wed end of day for extra credit (hand-in or email) or Sun for regular credit (email)

     - homework - work on lab report

Mon 11/25/13

     - discuss 2.1;  do Inquiry Lab p43

     - homework - none

Fri 11/22/13   Science-in-the-News Journal is due today. Next one is due Fri Dec. 20 for dates 11/23 thru 12/20.


     - go over STP;  assign read 2.1

     - homework - none

Thurs 11/21/13

     - go over test;  assign STP p38 due Fri beginning of class

     - homework - finish STP

Wed 11/20/13

     - Test 1B

     - homework - none

Tues 11/19/13

     - go over Quiz and Chap Review;  collect extra credit pkt

     - homework - study for test

Mon 11/18/13

     - Quiz 1.3;  work on Chap Rev

     - homework - prepare for test

Fri 11/15/13     ACTIVITY DAY - shortened class periods

     - go over wkshts;  time to work on Chap Rev;  offer optional extra credit pkt due Tues end of class

     - homework - study for quiz on Mon

Thurs 11/14/13

     - finish wkshts and collect

     - homework - assign rest of Chap Review due Tues beginning of class

                           (p37 #1, 5, 6, ,7 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 24-30)

Wed 11/13/13

     - go over wkshts;  assign new wkshts due Thurs end of class

     - homework - work on wkshts

Tues 11/12/13      Report cards for 1st MP are available today

     - finish wkshts and collect

     - homework - none

Mon 11/11/13

     - assign wkshts due Tues end of class

     - homework - work on wkshts