Faculty & Staff | ||
| ||
Title | Name | |
Superintendent | Derrick Forsythe | forsythed@wctech.org |
School Business Administrator | Amy Barkman | barkmana@wctech.org |
Principal / Director of Special Services | Jeff Tierney | tierneyj@wctech.org |
Assistant Principal | William Horn | hornw@wctech.org |
Athletic Director | Erik Bowers | bowerse@wctech.org |
Business Office
Title | Name | Phone | |
Admin Assistant to Superintendent | Anne Drescher | dreschera@wctech.org | 908-835-2814 |
Confidential Secretary to the BA | Lisa Whittle | whittlel@wctech.org | 908-835-2833 |
Confidential Secretary to the BA | Tracy Rowe | rowet@wctech.org | 908-835-2817 |
Title | Name | Phone | |
Technology Systems Manager | Robert Cammarota | cammarotar@wctech.org | 908-835-2834 |
Title | Name | Phone | |
School Nurse | Colleen Schiller | schillerc@wctech.org | 908-835-2830 |
Special Services
Title | Name | |
Director of Special Services | Jeff Tierney | Tierneyj@wctech.org |
School Psychologist | Mary Henry | henrym@wctech.org |
LDT-C | Kathy Nace | nacek@wctech.org |
CST Secretary | Patti Harper | harperp@wctech.org |
Title | Name | Phone | |
Guidance Counselor | Joe Orchulli | orchullij@wctech.org | 908-835-2821 |
Guidance Counselor | Kristen Sarte | sartek@wctech.org | 908-835-2820 |
Guidance Counselor | Erick Bowers | bowerse@wctech.org | 908-689-0122 EX6622 |
Guidence Counselor | Brieann Collis | collisb@wctech.org | 908-689-0122 EX4414 |
Name | Subject | Homework Link | |
Michele Beneducci | Science | beneduccim@wctech.org | Homework |
Patricia Colabella | Mathematics | colabellap@wctech.org | Homework |
Brooke Cicale | Phys Ed / Health | cicaleb@wctech.org | |
Stefanie Connolly | English | connollys@wctech.org | Homework |
Kayla Dora | Science | dorak@wctech.org | |
Greg Dowling | Mathematics | dowlingg@wctech.org | Homework |
Jason Drury | Phys Ed/Health/Drivers Ed | druryj@wctech.org | |
Meghan Fredericks | English | fredericksm@wctech.org | |
Laura Goodell | History | goodelll@wctech.org | |
Mary Beth Herb | Special Education | herbm@wctech.org | |
Christie Heuneman | History | heunemanc@wctech.org | |
Katherine Johnson | Special Education | johnsonk@wctech.org | |
Nancy Danner | Mathmatics | klingn@wctech.org | |
Noris Lara | Spanish | laran@wctech.org | |
Rae DiPaolo | Special Ed/History | http://dipaolor@wctech.org | |
Kim McCormick | Science | mccormickk@wctech.org | |
Natalie Mutchler | Special Education | mutchlern@wctech.org | |
Colleen Law | Science | Lawc@wctech.org | |
Matthew Ponczek | Math | ponczekm@wctech.org | |
Brian Quinones | Math | quinonesb@wctech.org | |
Heidi SanFilippo | Art For The Trades | sanfilippoh@wctech.org | Homework |
Gail Scovell | Media Specialist | scovellg@wctech.org | |
Taylor Shafer | English | shafert@wctech.org | Homework |
Jasmine Slowik | English | slowikj@wctech.org | Homework |
Jude Thompson | Phys ED/Health | thompsonj@wct.org | |
Bryan Toth | History | tothb@wctech.org | |
Jennifer White | Special Education | whitej@wctech.org |
Career Staff
Name | Subject | Homework | |
Lenore Arnold | Child Development | arnoldl@wctech.org | |
Raymond Danner | Automotive Technology | dannerr@wctech.org | |
Chad Feilbach | Steel Manufacturing | feilbachc@wctech.org | |
Tina Giraldi-Lynch | Cosmetology | giraldit@wctech.org | |
Scott Lance | Construction Technology | lances@wctech.org | |
Patrick Lilly | Culinary Arts | lillyp@wctech.org | |
Sean McGeough | Engineering | mcgeoughs@wctech.org | |
Patricia Seugling | TV, Radio And Digital Media Production | seuglingp@wctech.org | |
Lana Shanahan | Health Sciences | shanahanl@wctech.org | |
Michele Vulcano | Computer Science | vulcanom@wctech.org | |
Ken Wene | Electrical | wenek@wctech.org | |
Robert Wheatley | Law and Public Safety | wheatleyr@wctech.org |
Support Staff
Title | Name | Phone | |
Transportation / CIE | Ray Gara | garar@wctech.org | 908-835-2841 |
Administrative Secretary / Attendance | Mary Jane Schubert | schubertmj@wctech.org | 908-835-2839 |
Administrative Secretary / Principal | Patti Harper | harperp@wctech.org | 908-689-0122 Ex. 5538 |
Administrative Secretary / Guidance | Sharon Lentine | lentines@wctech.org | 908-835-2819 |
Director of Maintenance and Facilities | Jim Mengucci | menguccij@wctech.org | 908-835-2835 |
Team Lead Maintenance | Brett Liskowaski | liskowaskib@wctech.org | |
Maintenance | Dave Gittins | gittinsd@wctech.org | |
Maintenance | Ray Cappella | cappellar@wctech.org | |
Maintenance | Beata Rogowska | rogowskab@wctech.org | |
Maintenance | Javier Minaya | minayaj@wctech.org | |
Custodian | Laurie Hickey | hickeyl@wctech.org |